Clinical Services | Clinical Supervision

Clinical Supervision

Fernhill offers individual or group supervision to students, peers and other qualified mental health professionals. Supervision is an essential process for any professional offering therapeutic services to ensure good quality services, safe practice and to update skills. Jill Bromley and Dr Jane Tuomola have been providing supervision to a range of professionals for several years.

Students who find a practicum experience placement that does not offer supervision may be able to come to Fernhill for supervision sessions. We may also be able to offer supervision in the workplace for both students and qualified professionals.

We believe in helping other professionals in this area to fulfil their supervision requirements without undue hardship, so please contact us to discuss your requirements.


Dr Joanna Barlas supervises Clinical Psychologists in training and is currently supervising trainees from James Cook University and the National University of Singapore.

She also offers individual and team supervision to psychologists and other qualified and mental health professionals.

Jillian Bromley supervises counsellors doing an internship to complete their Master in Counselling (Monash University) and the Master of Guidance and Counselling (James Cook University).

Dr Tsao I Ting, Dr Jane Tuomola, Lilian Ing and Muhammad Haikal bin Jamil may be available to offer continuing individual supervision for counsellors and other menal health professionals.

Fernhill Psychology and Counselling hosts training and information events and supports discussion groups for mental health professionals. We welcome requests for training.